Class or Subject Area: Foreign Language
Specific Learning Objectives:
Speaking: Students give directions to explain how to get from X to Y, by foot or public transport.
Writing: Students write about how to get from X to Y.
Listening: Students understand / follow directions relating to how to get from X to Y.
Grade Level(s): 6-12
Activity Summary:
Students use the Trip Planner provided by major operators of bus and rail service to find out and explain to others how to go from one place to another.
What you need:
Access to Internet
Access to web sites such as Lingt or AudioDropbox where students can leave recordings
How it works:
With beginners, it is advised to have the students work in groups. Students of Intermediate or Advanced classes should work individually. Groups or individuals use the Trip Planner feature to explain how to get from one place to another. Teachers can choose to guide them with questions such as:
- If you leave your starting point at 2:00 p.m., at what time can you expect to reach your destination?
- How many different modes of transportation would you use?
- What would be those modes of transportation?
You can use those questions to generate discussions on the pros and cons of public transportation in a given city.
Make a list of itineraries you want your students to comment. Those may be related to places that your students will visit in real life or places described in a novel you are reading in class. Assign each student (or group of students) one of the items on your list.
Have them talk / write about them.
Directions for the students:
“ I will assign for each of you an itinerary in one of the cities we have discussed in class. Using the Trip Planner feature, you will work on the best / most time effective itinerary. Your task is to make comments (orally or in writing) to your classmates about the experience.
To understand how it works, let’s demonstrate with … (you model the activity by explaining how to use the Trip Planner from home to school).
Here is a sample activity I have used for AP students who read a French novel as a Summer Assignment. They were asked to describe the trip the main character made every day to go from home to school.
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