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mardi 27 mars 2012

Using Google Maps to describe places or write descriptions about places

Class or Subject Area: Foreign Language

Specific Learning Objectives:

Speaking: Students describe aspects of a given environment in a list of points.

Writing: Students write about everyday aspects of a given environment.

Listening: Students understand descriptions made by their classmates or by the teacher.

Grade Level(s): 6-12

Activity Summary:

After a short tutorial on how to use Google Maps, students are (virtually) sent to places of interest related to the language or topic studied in class. In “Street View” mode, they explain what they see on their way from X to Y.

What you need:

Access to Internet

Tutorial on how to use Google Maps (this one is in French)

Google Maps

Skype in the classroom

Access to web sites such as Lingt or AudioDropbox where students can leave recordings

How it works:

With beginners, it is advised to have the students work in groups. Students of Intermediate or Advanced classes should work individually. Groups or individuals describe what they see in “Street View”. Their classmates take notes and answer a few questions to show that they understood what they heard. Students take turns (a) describing and (b) taking notes. For advanced levels, students may be asked to contact by Skype a given public place (when a phone number is displayed by Google) and to ask for more information about what those places have to offer (opening hours in a restaurant or museum, price for service, etc.).


Make a list of places or “hot spots” you want your students to discover. Those may be places that your students will visit in real life or places described in a novel you are reading in class. Assign each student (or group of students) one of the items on your list.

Have them talk / write about those places.

It is highly recommended that you do the exercise yourself in preparation for your class. Some European cities have graffiti that you do not want your students to read…

Directions for the students:

“You will see a short video explaining how to use Google Maps. You can ask any questions if something is unclear. Then, I will assign for each of you an itinerary in one of the cities we have discussed in class. Your task is to make comments (orally or in writing) to your classmates about what you see.

To understand how it works, let’s demonstrate with … (you model the activity with a city and a description of your own).


Here is a sample activity I have used for AP students who read a French novel as a Summer Assignment. They were asked to describe the environment of the main character in the novel. The web site used by the students to organize their trip is the one of the RATP, the public transport company operating in Paris, France.

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