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mardi 27 mars 2012

Using Google SketchUp (or Gliffy.com) and PowerPoint to describe one’s house

Class or Subject Area: Foreign Language
Specific Learning Objectives:
Speaking (intermediate): Students describe their home and where they live.
Speaking (intermediate): Students describe places and objects in a simple way.
Speaking (intermediate): Students describe in details their family and their living conditions.
Speaking (intermediate): Students talk about likes/dislikes and make comparisons.
Grade Level(s): 10-12
Activity Summary:
Students use modeling software downloadable for free on the Internet (such as Google SketchUp or Gliffy.com) to describe their home. They convert their models into images that they paste into a PowerPoint slideshow. They comment orally their presentation (either by using the recording feature on Power Point - Insert/Sound/Record Sound – or by giving a live presentation in class). A second option is to allow your students to make a short movie instead of a PowerPoint Presentation. In this case, they give a tour of their house with their comments as a soundtrack.
What you need:
Microsoft PowerPoint
Access to Internet
Familiarize yourself with both Google SketchUp and Gliffy.com, so that you can give your students a short tutorial, if needed.
Explain the assignment to them
Directions for the students:
“ You will describe your home and your living conditions. In order to do so, you will use a software to help you draw your house. After drawing your house and its different rooms, you will insert your drawing into a PowerPoint presentation and give your classmates a tour, adding your comments. To understand how it works, let’s demonstrate with … (you model the activity by explaining how to use both Google SketchUp and Gliffy.com and by showing examples you created yourself).
Here is a sample model made with Google SketchUp.

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